Sunday, February 6, 2011

So Far...So Good

Well, I'm here!  So far, I have unpacked, grocery shopped, walked around my neighborhood a couple of times, and eaten out twice.  Since I've been living the whole week leading up to my departure from Boston via various lists, I'd like to start with one to document my observations thus far:

1.  British Airways will not accept baggage over 70 pounds.  This is the first time I've had occasion to acquire this piece of information, and I hope never to be reminded of it.

2.  Evidently, a one bedroom flat in one of the buildings in Kensington went for 130 million pounds, which is abooooouuut $200 million.  One bedroom.  That's right.

3.  We are currently staying in the "penthouse" flat of our building.  I feel like if it's the only apartment on the top floor of the building, I can call it a penthouse, right?  So far, so good.  It has plenty of storage space, is appropriately clean, and has three locks on the door...all of which make me feel good about the whole situation. 

4.  So far, I have had two delicious meals in the company of only my kindle and a glass of wine.  Last night, I was served pizza and salad by actual Italians.  Because here, going to Italy is like going to Florida from MA.  I think that's super.

5.  Evidently, almost every British restaurant has a special Sunday Roast.  Isn't that cozy?  Unfortunately, the restaurant I went into to have one today requires parties of two or more to order a roast.  I am looking forward to Derek's arrival :)

6.  The Brits loves them some Friends.  Every time I turn the TV on for background noise, it's on.  If I were studying for my SATs, I would say British people are to Friends as Timmy Murphy is to Will & Grace.  That's right Tim - I wrote that on the World Wide Web.

7.  "Rocket" on a restaurant menu = arugula.  I wasn't sure what to say when I was offered "Rocket & Parmesan", but it ended up being much different than I would have imagined thought.

8.  I am confident that we're going to have a great time, but I already miss everyone!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Blog: great idea, Kristen. Enjoyed your first post. Let me know when you're settled in and ready for company. Love you!

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing the secret life of team Vicino unfolding across the pond.

  4. Kristen - LOVE the blog idea!! I know that I will be envious of all your adventures! Have a blast!

  5. Good Morning Princess (you'll always be my princess) Yes I said that on the WWW :) Love your Blog idea and enjoyed reading about your adventures thus far. I will read it to Grammy & Grampa, they told me yesterday they had received the email regarding the blog but couldn't open it :( (dial up baby, dial up). Can't wait to read more as time goes on. Heading back to MA on saturday... prob gonna freeze my butt off! Ft Lauderdale was a blast could def see myself living down here :) Love ya sunshine! Have a great day.

  6. No idea why my post came out as "Gramma said" ? Hummm
