Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Front Row at the Royal Wedding

It seems that I wrote the blog post below three weeks ago and forgot to hit "publish".  Sorry about that!

By front row, I mean sitting on a couch in a pub with English breakfast in front of me and a Buck's Fizz (i.e. mimosa) in hand.  We had a great time with our friends Erin and Eric visiting for the weekend.  They went to Westminster Abbey the day before the event, and reported back that our decision to stay across London to watch the festivities was the way to go.  Almost a MILLION people turned out to watch.  Does this ellicit random memories of Where's Waldo books for anyone else?

We, on the other hand, were comfy and cozy, gearing up for our trip for Dublin and being festive in our own crowd-free way.  With Kate and Will, and some British flags, of course...

I think that the even more interesting part for me (other than hanging out with Erin and Eric) was living and working in London the week before and the week after, and hearing what everyone thought.  It seems that some people think it's weird that Americans are so into royalty that's not theirs (to which I think - over half of the TV here is American, so I think it goes both ways).  Overall, they seem pleased with the wife that Prince William has chosen, and liked the dress and all the pomp and circumstance. 

As a side note, I have been eating lunch near St. Paul's Cathedral on two separate occasions as people were walking in for weddings.  Women do, indeed, wear hats to weddings - even those not of the royal variety.  I may start wearing them to all formal occasions.  Be on the lookout.

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